Sunday, October 7, 2007

In Search Of The Special Moment

It's an annual affair, but time is really subjective. It is subjected to the permission and directive given by the Boss for Gabriel to descend on earth. It is the most virtuous of all nights. This is the night that made Prophets envied. It is the night that grants special rewards - and cleansing of sins. Your debts cleared and turned into credit - multiple fold.

It is against the time and space factor. But if one is engaged in supplication and prayers at the right moment when Gabriel descends, one receives abundance of rewards. Unseen though! Well time is unseen - you only feel it, from signs and hints depicted from the surroundings.

We don't see time, we only see the signs of time. We don't see God, we see the signs of His existence.

Su, we submit to Him. He is the Omnipotent. He is the Giver. He is the One. You don't believe in Him? It's your choice. A bad one.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Time to change

It's the time now, to travel through time. Let's get ready to the new mode of travel - though and against time. I want to bridge the difference between 900 light years ago and today. I want to travel yesterday and still living today and perhaps walking ahead of time and return to today.

It's gonna happen!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

When Bard Ali Returns ...

He returned with passion for retrospection and repair. He wants to make sure that he doesn't return to repeat the 'stone' sessions he'd left two months ago. He wants to also make sure that everybody stays clean. And that's the outcome of sheer mujahadah nafs, to abstain from committing unlawful acts.

Somebody said that it was okay to stone in Islam, as marijuana is pure herbal. "I can take care of myself," says one long-bearded WW.

"There's nothing wrong in smoking ganja, it is legal," he added. "Than why is the police arresting people with that substance, and if it is legal in Islam, why are the Ulamas condemning it?" I asked.

So Bard Ali motivates everybody to stay active in 'Muqami' work. By doing so, everyone will be able to stay 'Istiqamah' and stay free of ganja.

"I don't want to return to the old habits and that is what I told WW to also throw the habit cos there must me a turning point for it," said Bard.

Bard explained to WW the ordeal he had to face during the two months he underwent the 'correcting' exercise and got a response from him:
"That was a short time period, I had to abstain myself for four long months from ganja, but I am still doing it."

Bard quickly interrupted, "That's the reason brother, I am worried of the wasted times we spent so much in correction, and I do not want the same thing to happen to me, isn't it time we quit?"

WW gave a ponderous look, but continue to lit his rokok daun ganja, unperturbed, unrepented.

May be he was thinking that Bard was a fool. I gave a deep thought about the incident and sensed that many a good people would consider what Bard is doing, is a noble move.

Only to seek pleasure from the Almighty.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Time, Space and Dimension Travel!

A person who takes off a plane and traveled to the other parts of the globe, crossing over time zones and distance is said to have also traveled through time, says researchers from a popular TV channel in Astro (Malaysian pay to view broadcast channel). This statement was just the intro to a program about the possibility of man traveling through thousands of light years distance. Many instances were then published in the 1 hour program to justify the generalization.

Imagine a person taking a walk in Kuala Lumpur that suddenly disappears in a split second to appear continuing his walk on the plains of Arafah in Mecca, or at a remote area on planet Super Earth (the other planet with similar conditions to Earth in another Galaxy). Movie cuts would do great the effect, as thousands of films had, in the last few decades. In reality, nonsense.

But the human mind has been regarded as superior that he managed to turn sand particles into skyscrapers, and made metals to float in water and to fly over space. Our imagination in entertainment, as for example in Hollywood movies, most had been translated into real life achievements. The Nanotechnology, for instance, was an idea brought into the Raquel Welch movie, whose character has to be scaled down to a size smaller than molecules to be able to cure a disease in the human body. (Browse Nanotechnology and Najmil Faiz and Malaysia and Leeds Metropolitan University).

The popular series, Heroes too suggests, that human extraordinary qualities, could be achieved through the modification of the human genetics, thus creating mutants or whatever they may call it, but to the extent of something evil - the destruction of the earth! The Hero characters in the series have special qualities like self curing of injuries, able to fly, able to move objects, able to imitate other mutants' powers, etc, all of which are in the imagination of the writers.

Human beings, I believe, will ultimately, achieve what they have been imagining! They want to fly, they will fly one day. They want to live in other people's body, they will one day do it. They want to travel through time and space - forward or backwards - they will be able to do it, one day.

Technology, during our time, has been founded or discovered, many folds compared to the civilizations of the past many centuries. In fact, we are creating technology at the count of seconds and the gadgets that hold the knowhow are indeed in miniature a size that one could ever imagine before.

It is indeed about size and weight that will enable human beings to walk more freely on this planet earth, or even transcend through time, space and dimension. Even now, I am writing in Kuala Lumpur, and you people else where in the planet. One day I will be able to email you the physical content of my DNA sample.

Everyone Dies

We have our own dark secrets. No one has the right to disclose what misdemeanors we have done. But once disclosed, it is up to us whether to defend or to let go. A person who discloses the bad deeds to others, he or she is a transgressor. But if he talks to others about the bad deeds we didn't commit, he is in great danger - not from our physical retaliation, but from the punishment of unseen circumstances.

So let us look upon the dark secrets as bygones and with confidence, it will be quashed away from our black history records.

My Favourite Pastime

I don't want to follow all the dumbs who would spend much time in traffic jams. I buy things from smal traders at the roadside. Why should I shop at the hypermarts? I don't like to read newspapers cos they are all re-runs. I read the future. Do you?

My best friend is my work. I work day and nite. I read books during the day and comics before zzzz.

Come lah join me with your chats here, especially Penangites, where r u.