Tuesday, August 14, 2007

When Bard Ali Returns ...

He returned with passion for retrospection and repair. He wants to make sure that he doesn't return to repeat the 'stone' sessions he'd left two months ago. He wants to also make sure that everybody stays clean. And that's the outcome of sheer mujahadah nafs, to abstain from committing unlawful acts.

Somebody said that it was okay to stone in Islam, as marijuana is pure herbal. "I can take care of myself," says one long-bearded WW.

"There's nothing wrong in smoking ganja, it is legal," he added. "Than why is the police arresting people with that substance, and if it is legal in Islam, why are the Ulamas condemning it?" I asked.

So Bard Ali motivates everybody to stay active in 'Muqami' work. By doing so, everyone will be able to stay 'Istiqamah' and stay free of ganja.

"I don't want to return to the old habits and that is what I told WW to also throw the habit cos there must me a turning point for it," said Bard.

Bard explained to WW the ordeal he had to face during the two months he underwent the 'correcting' exercise and got a response from him:
"That was a short time period, I had to abstain myself for four long months from ganja, but I am still doing it."

Bard quickly interrupted, "That's the reason brother, I am worried of the wasted times we spent so much in correction, and I do not want the same thing to happen to me, isn't it time we quit?"

WW gave a ponderous look, but continue to lit his rokok daun ganja, unperturbed, unrepented.

May be he was thinking that Bard was a fool. I gave a deep thought about the incident and sensed that many a good people would consider what Bard is doing, is a noble move.

Only to seek pleasure from the Almighty.

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